Terms of Business Agreement (TOBA)

A TOBA sets out the terms and conditions upon which we accept business from a broker.

We will be pleased to provide quotations for Group Risk business without a TOBA, however one must be in force before we are able to assume risk. We only need to have one TOBA for each broker so once it is in place future business can also be completed.

A downloadable TOBA is available here.

You may scan and email a PDF copy of your completed TOBA to us at group.risk@ram-ltd.co.uk or post it to us at the following address:

Risk Assurance Management Limited
Chancery House
Leas Road
Surrey  GU1 4QW

Please note, if there are any changes to your Company structure, name/address or FCA status, a new TOBA must be completed and returned to ensure correct records and documentation are in place and maintained at all times.

We only transact business received from intermediaries which are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority who act on behalf of the Policyholder.